Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me!

This week my sister did not come to town, she did not leave her 2 crazy dogs with us, and her 90lb male German Shepherd has not attached himself to me. He does not watch my ever move, and he certainly does not feel the need to protect me....hmmm I am not wondering where the human version of this dog is... :)

His sister, on the other hand, is NOT the craziest dog ever!!! She is also not the cutest thing!

I do not call myself "Aunty Liz" when they are around. That would be ridiculous!

I am not going back to the bumper boat place where I fell on the dock and proceed to throw up everywhere. That would just be embarrassing to return.

I am not SO SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THIS FREAKING RAIN tired of all the rain. Geez, I might as well just go live in Seattle for crying out loud!.

I did not have so many "not me's" the last time around that I just decided not to do one...

That's all for now- forgot to keep track this week! Head over here and see what others have not done.

OH!! And I did not complete my 30th day of the shred yesterday!! (all in all I think it was mostly beneficial in toning muscles)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day of 2's...

Started 2 papers today

Took 2 naps

Ate 2 meals

Took care of 2 cats and 2 dogs

Taking care of 2 kids later

Drank 2 bottles of water

Went outside twice

Talked on the phone twice

Listened to my 40's playlist twice

Worked out ONCE- now you know where my priorities are. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Can't help but think.....

Tonight my thoughts are focused heavily on my grandma. The last six months has been the hardest time in her life. She is in her 80's and as spunky as anything. Six months ago my grandfather, her husband, went significantly down hill in terms of health. He passed away three months later. Two weeks after his death, my grandmother's best friend of 50+ years went in for a routine surgery. She contracted an infection, and the top doctors in Boston could not save her. She passed away a month after my grandfather. Two weeks ago my grandmother received a phone call letting her know her oldest brother passed away during the night. My heart is so broken for her. I cannot imagine losing a spouse (of 54 years), best friend, and sibling all within three months. I spent time with her tonight, and I can see how tired and weary she is from mourning.

While I focus on her pain, I am also aware of other very difficult situations that are causing some of my dear friends deep pain. In many of these situations I find myself feeling helpless- wanting to do something. As I search scripture for words of wisdom and encouragement, I am reminded of Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." In carrying the burdens for others, I can point them to the cross, for there they will find rest for their souls. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30.

As I walk along those who are suffering, I cannot help but think the Lord is preparing me and teaching me to be His hands and His feet.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Graciously Given

**I've had this one stored as a draft for a couple weeks.

Over the last few months I have felt a constant reminder. Whether crying through a moment of pain or walking into church and seeing a familiar face, the Lord has not ceased to overwhelm me with His goodness. For those who know me well, know I love deeply. Most of the time, I love until it hurts.

As I look around my room, my walls are filled with pictures of family and friends. Some friends I see often, and others I do not see on a regular basis. I do not have a large group of close friends. I have a few very close friends, and I love it this way. I enjoy being able to invest in my friendships, to be there whenever needed. I have friends who are very close to my heart, but we do not talk all the time. Even through our distance, I know our friendship remains the same.

I think over where I am today, and I have been so blessed by some of the most wonderful friends. I am humbled to think of all the mistakes I have made in the past and make in the present, and yet, I can think of nothing greater on earth than having what I have. I still have friends who love me despite me. I have a Savior who took His love for me to the cross so that I may spend eternity with Him.

I am beyond grateful for those in my life I call "friend". God has been so gracious to me.
"But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." Psalm 86:15

Sunday, June 7, 2009

No Me! Monday

Today I am not one more class closer to being done!

These past few weeks I have not been going to bed around 3am because I have not been so busy with a demanding class and a full schedule outside school. Due to my not staying up late, I did not start randomly falling asleep at the computer...several times.

I did not work at the high school prom this week, as I usually don't do every year because I do not work events for my cousin who is not the photographer for the high school. I was not shocked beyond belief surprised at what some girls are allowed to wear out of the house these days.

I have not completed 10 days in a row of wanting to strangle thank Jillian Michaels.

I did not spent an entire day last week coaching field day at the kiddos' private christian school. I did not have to listen to children tattle tale ALL day long...."their cheating!" "The other team is not doing it right!" "We are going to come in first!" "Coach, Liz, he said...." AHHHHHHHHHHHH Some one PLEASE!

That's all I got this week, folks. Head over to MckMama's blog-(go to the blog frog) and see what others are not doing.