Sunday, June 7, 2009

No Me! Monday

Today I am not one more class closer to being done!

These past few weeks I have not been going to bed around 3am because I have not been so busy with a demanding class and a full schedule outside school. Due to my not staying up late, I did not start randomly falling asleep at the computer...several times.

I did not work at the high school prom this week, as I usually don't do every year because I do not work events for my cousin who is not the photographer for the high school. I was not shocked beyond belief surprised at what some girls are allowed to wear out of the house these days.

I have not completed 10 days in a row of wanting to strangle thank Jillian Michaels.

I did not spent an entire day last week coaching field day at the kiddos' private christian school. I did not have to listen to children tattle tale ALL day long...."their cheating!" "The other team is not doing it right!" "We are going to come in first!" "Coach, Liz, he said...." AHHHHHHHHHHHH Some one PLEASE!

That's all I got this week, folks. Head over to MckMama's blog-(go to the blog frog) and see what others are not doing.

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